Welcome to Ruutipuisto School’s website!

Ruutipuisto School is a hospital school and one of the schools of the City of Seinäjoki. School services are provided in the South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County. Ruutipuisto School organises teaching and pedagogical rehabilitation, as well as provides guidance and consultation in questions related to schooling.

Hospital education is an activity based on the Basic Education Act, according to which children and young people in hospital must be provided with education to the extent possible taking into account their health and other circumstances. Hospital education is teaching that meets the needs of those demanding multidisciplinary support.

The place of hospital education is determined by the patient area of specialised medical care, which is why Ruutipuisto School serves all comprehensive school-age children and young people in municipalities coming from the South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County. Education is provided to children and young people who have a contact in specialised medical care either at the ward or at the psychiatric outpatient clinic.

The municipality where the hospital is located is obliged to arrange education for a pupil who is a patient in the hospital to the extent possible taking into account their health. The municipality where the hospital responsible for treatment is located is also obliged to arrange education and support for other pupils within the scope of compulsory education in specialised medical care to the extent that this is justified, taking into account their health, special pedagogical needs and the therapeutic and rehabilitation measures of specialised medical care, if arranging teaching otherwise is not in the pupil’s best interests despite the support measures provided for in this or another act.

Education is organised according to the age and prerequisites of the pupils and in such a way that it promotes the healthy growth and development of the pupils.

In connection with the admission of the hospital school, a decision on special teaching arrangements is made for each pupil on the basis of health-related reasons.