Marttila daycare locates in the heart of the city, at the end of Puskantie-road. Thanks to our great location, we can make use of the nearby areas! We enjoy little field trips to the near by parks, also taking part in cultural visits around us.

Our principle of education is child-orientated: we function in small groups, invest in child-orientated activity noticing child’s wishes, needs and support friendships. Our main value is a big one: Childhood is a value in itself. Children have the right to develop and grow safely and in peace, each in their own rhythm.

We have four groups in our small, cozy Marttila daycare. They are located in two buildings.

Marttila daycare is open on weekdays at 6.30am-17pm.

Groups in SININEN TALO (BLUE HOUSE) Puskantie 38 D

Jokihelmi 044 754 1613

Satumetsä 044 7541 769

Groups in KELTAINEN TALO (YELLOW HOUSE)  Puskantie 38

Pilvilinna 044 4700 235

Tuulenpesä 044 4700 294