Seinäjoen kaupunki on mukana työllisyyden kuntakokeilussa, jonka myötä kaupunki valmistautuu yhä vahvempaan rooliin työllisyyden hoidossa. Kuntakokeilu tuo koko kaupunkiorganisaation mukaan työllisyyden hoitoon ja työvoiman saatavuuden parantamiseen.
Uusia toimintatapoja haetaan myös kansainvälisistä verkostoista. EU:n rahoittamassa HOPE-hankkeessa haetaan Seinäjoelle oppia mm. yhteiskunnallisesta yrittäjyydestä ja työllisyystoimien vaikuttavuuden seurannasta. Yhteistyökaupungit tulevat Sloveniasta ja Pohjois-Irlannista.
Tiedote englanniksi:
The new priorities of the European Commission 2019-2024 indicate shifting towards more sustainable and entrepreneurial economy within the European Green Deal as one of the main goals. Fostering social innovation at local, regional, and inter-regional level will be crucial to support green transition and stimulate cohesion and inclusiveness.
Following this path, HOPE, or ‘Horizontal Policies and Practices for Inclusive Societies in Europe’ project funded by the European Commission’s COSME Programme is working in the development horizontal policies to support social economy at local and regional level.
Led by the City of Seinäjoki in Finland, the partnership is formed by four partners including:
- City of Maribor (Slovenia)
- Derry and Strabane District Council (Northern Ireland)
- ERNACT (EU wide network)
HOPE lead partner, City of Seinäjoki in collaboration with Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland), hosted the first virtual session of the project on the 10th and 11th May. Based on the workshop and its knowledge and experience sharing several best practices implemented in the partner countries were identified:
1. House of Actions (Finland)
2. Y-Zone / The Student´s path to entrepreneurship (Finland)
3. Inclusive Growth Strategy (Northern Ireland)
4. The Foyle Community Work Programme (Northern Ireland)
5. Workshop offering work try-outs (Finland)
6. Cooperative LADIES, sustainable tourism and hospitality, z.o.o., social enterprise (Slovenia)
7. Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki Model (Finland)
8. The Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki Development Platform (Finland)
9. SOCIOLAB (Slovenia)
10. Case Management in Employment Services – Seinäjoki Model (Finland)
11. Phenomenon of the multi-professional and multi-sectoral collaboration in the City of Seinäjoki (Finland)
Find out more about HOPE project good practices at